Moving with Makedo
Individuals have different learning styles and as the name suggests, kinaesthetic learners learn when carrying out physical activity, often using their whole body. Learning on the move is the opposite of sitting silently and in rows of desks or watching a demonstration or listening to instructions.
Makedo is perfect for kinaesthetic learners who learn and think best when doing, for those students who need to get physical, tactile… and process or express information by doing.
For instance, students make puppets and tell a story, make a stage and perform. Turn a learning experience into a fun opportunity to move! In the form of making stations, STEAM labs and mini design challenges. Some schools have these experiences available for students as they arrive at school in the morning, are transitioning between classes, or for those learning who need ‘Kinaesthetic Learning Breaks’ to integrate back into traditional classroom activities.
Moving, cutting and constructing with cardboard is simple yet effective ways to refocus, warm up the brain and regulate busy bodies and minds. Makedo is a hands-on, tangible and concrete way to build and play with cardboard and ideas in the classroom.
image credit: @LHSRangerHub