Books to Inspire: Be A Maker
This story uses rhyme, repetition and illustrations to bring what’s in a young girl’s mind to life. ‘Be a Maker’ written by Katey Howes is a simple story about a girl who spends the day making! She makes everything; she makes things, new friends, plans for the day, gifts for others... and she makes choices to pledge, help some more and make a difference in her community.
The story empowers kids to make a difference in the world. The design process and engineering are illustrated throughout the story. So is the importance of collaboration, community, diversity and inclusion. But most importantly the magic of imagination is what this story is about.
At Makedo we recommend using books as provocations for young children and this book is the perfect provocation for a making experience or project. We suggest starting by reading the story aloud with your class, then you can ask the question posed in the book “In a world of possibility ...” What will you make?
After some dreaming, brainstorming, drawing ideas, and planning you can grab your cardboard and ‘make’ with Makedo! Makedo’s open-ended system of construction tools offers kids the perfect hands-on tools for making. Kids can think up an idea, be inspired by memories, new experiences, others or what the author calls “A universe inside your head” to create something novel from a cardboard box.
The potential of a child’s imagination is infinite! Time, space, and materials such as cardboard and Makedo tools are all kids need to be a maker.
Cover image thanks to Carolrhoda / Lerner Books.